Wednesday, December 12, 2007's OPEN Gets a Makeover
from Collide Magazine, Issue 02 November/December 2007

"At the recently redesigned you'll find message series resources created by the staff and made freely available to churches worldwide...Click on (a) series and you'll find that you can watch webcasts of the four messages and then download Photoshop files...invite card and a promotional poster, as well as Quicktime files that include loop and three teaser videos. In no time, your church has high-quality media that match the theme of your sermon. Best of all, it's completely free for church leaders using the material non-commercially. Other churches making their resources available for free include NewSpring Church (,) The Vine at Southeast Christian Church (,) and Seacoast Church ( Wouldn't it be a shame to let all those free resources go to waste?"



Johnny! said...

My thoughts?

If you need to download a message series, you weren't ready to start a Church.

If you want to get a bunch of people together to watch a video, knock your socks off. You're not a Church. Churches have pastors.

The video stuff is snazzy.

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

it's free so it must be good, right? haha

unfortunately a lot of churches probably see this as the solution to their problems with low attendance. "Finally, we can become culturally relevant!" If we have to MAKE the Bible and Church relevant then we're probably missing something. I'll probably still check out their photoshop files though.

rk said...

i don't suppose i have to tell you how i feel about this.

Todd Wright said...

Let me add this to the mix...

Remove the fact that all four sermons are made available. Imagine that the free resource was simply teaser videos and promotional art work.

Isn't that exactly what musicians do when they make a CD? I did. I had some other dude create a very snazzy cd cover so that folks would dig what I was bringing.

I, too, am not nuts about this whole thing is doing, but I'm also willing to admit that I'm just as much a consumer as somebody else.

Johnny! said...

Sure, if we're only talking graphics, making them available to Churches that would use them seems acceptable.

Video, I'm a little more of two minds about. Scripture needs to be read in the Churches by a person. Why? Because there is an inherent authority in the reading aloud of the Word as it is perceived by the listener compared to when they read it silently themselves. Transferring this implicit authority to the video screen is a bad idea at this particular moment in this particular culture. It's reinforcing something we ought to be correcting.

But attractive graphics to advertise the sermon? I'm not interested but there's nothing bad in it.

blake stewart said...

oh so this is so much diffrent from which seems to be a hit around here...

Todd Wright said...

It's not any different, Blake. Which most of us seem to be saying...why so angry?

blake stewart said...

im not angry. just saying that it's no different from how can you read emotion from a comment? hahaha

Todd Wright said...

I think the "oh so this is" is definitely angry. Lack of capitalization, lack of punctuation; not to mention the inclusion of "Oh," which you never normally use in your comments and such.