Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Website That Wasn't (But Kinda' Still Is)

Back in July, I bought a website. I went to the place my pal recommended. Bought the hosting and the domain.

My pal gets to work on the website. Truth be told, he's not the fastest designer in the world, but he's really good. So I was patient. He looked over all my receipts from the hosting company and said it all looked okay.

Fast forward to last week, when I mailed off the master and art files so that the duplication company could get to work. 5-7 days they say...

Two nights ago, I'm thinking about the CD and decide that I ought to check the site, just to see what's there. You know what's there? This:

That's right...the site I bought is now showing a site by a musician named Todd Wright from Virginia. He a great writer. (Tons of videos on YouTube. His stuff is pretty good.)

I then spent the next hour and a half emailing and texting my pal to see what was going on. We eventually, bought another domain (which shall remain nameless until ready) and got word to the duplicator to change the artwork before going to print...crisis averted, but what the heck happened in July?

Today, I finally found two receipt emails from the hosting company that verified that I had, in fact, purchased back in July.

My pal is currently going into detective mode to try to figure out what happened. Stay tuned...this could get interesting.


Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

bummer - who'd you go through?

Anonymous said...

I say fire the kid!

Todd Wright said...

and i can't fire him until, you know, he actually fulfills the thing i paid him for...

blake stewart said...

you never purchased the domain...