Thursday, December 13, 2007

At some point in the middle of the night, Jonah ended up in bed with us. I remember hearing him yell and when I stood up to head down the hall to his room, I saw him bolting down the hall in his underwear. He looked terrified

At 6, I heard Krist closing our door. It woke Jonah up so he was ready to start his day. I heard Finley crying so I got up to get her. Kristen took the kids for about an hour while I prayed and studied my Bible.

Okay, that's not true. I slept for an hour.

The kids watched cartoons while I laid on the couch. I woke Kristen up a little after 8.

We all started getting ready, which still takes WAY too long for four people, but it was Friday, so who cares, right? We took Kristen to work, then the kids and I ran errands.

Ran by the movie theater to check on times for Alvin and the Chipmunks, then dropped off "Angel Tree" presents at the Salvation Army downtown. I was glad to have the kids with me, Jonah really liked handing over the toys and clothes to the lady running the center today. After that, we ran to the church to get my check and then to the bank. Stopped at Target for diapers and hair gel and a new shirt for Jonah and chocolate-flavored bubble gum. (Jonah's idea, and not a very good one.)

Drove out to pick up Kristen, where Finley fell asleep in the car. Got home about 12:30, threw some pizza in the oven and chilled. We played video games, visited with Kristen's mom and generally just laid around for a few hours. Jonah and I left at 4 to meet my Mom at the movie theater.

As we pulled into the theater, we saw a huge line of people waiting for tickets. After a quick glance at the crowd, I deduced that this wasn't an Alvin and the Chipmunks crowd. (Too many hoodies, piercings and scarves.) I quickly assumed that I Am Legend was the reason for the mob. I call my mom to tell her we're there. She's in line and says..."There's no manager here..."

We get to the line and my mom tells us that, apparently, a manager showed up that afternoon. After a half-hour wait, some other manager shows up and apologizes. He then lets us in the movie for free AND awards everybody additional free movie passes. That calmed everybody down right quick...

The movie was good - lots of funny stuff that Jonah really dug. We got home at 7. Jonah ate some supper, got in his PJs and headed up to bed. He was very tired.

Kristen watched "It's A Wonderful Life," while I ate. I blogged, checked some emails and watched a little West Wing while Kristen talked on the phone with her cousin.

About to grab a shower and go to bed.