Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Revival, Day Three

Same as the day before: Meet Chris at 6, plug in the iPod and head for Colmesniel! Actually had my projection stuff a bit better organized, so that made for a bit less stress. The set:
Revive Us Again
Open The Eyes of My Heart

My Savior's Love
Here I Am To Worship

Seek Ye First
The high points: After Open the Eyes, I read Ephesians 1:17-18 and talked about how even though we were singing some "new" songs (which they're not always crazy about,) we WERE singing scripture. I talked for just a bit about how we weren't really doing anything new - we were singing the same ideas and concepts that God's people have sung for centuries. I also talked about how we need to do a better job of making sure that songs line up with scripture and spend less time arguing about style. I acknowledged that style was important, but not foremost, and they seemed genuinely supportive and in agreement with what I was saying. I also did a very simple, but nice transition to move from the G key of My Savior's Love to the D key of Here I Am To Worship. Since the keys were pretty complimentary, I just played right into a G/A (the 4/5 of the new key) and rolled right into D. It worked out perfectly - I don't know if anybody even knew I had changed keys.

I'm exhausted from the revival and the packing, but one more night and we're done. However, I just booked an emergency gig today for Saturday. I'll be heading for a gig three hours northeast at 4:30 Saturday morning. Pray, brothers and sisters, pray!