Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Time Is Of The Essence

For the next little bit, I'm going to start posting my worshipnotes articles here on this site. While the worshipnotes blog isn't getting a ton of hits, it is creating a sort of "second group" of readers. I figured if I've got people reading this blog and people reading that one - WHY NOT COMBINE? So, here are some thoughts I've had recently:

A few days ago, I had a great day.

There wasn't much going on in the office at the church, so I was able to sit down with my guitar and just pound out setlists. After I made setlists, I decided to burn CDs for my team. I was feeling so ambitious that I decided to go ahead and format a couple of "playlists" in my iPod with all four of my upcoming setlists. (I often have to do this in order to remember songs and keep their arrangements straight in my head.)

I went home for lunch, hung out there, and then came back to work. Once I was back, I burned more CD's, went online and shopped for some new background media for our projection and then formated our upcoming Sunday morning projection.

When it was all said and done, I felt extremely satisfied with what I had done! It felt like a full day, so I decided to add up all the time I had spent working on it. I had done so much - I was ahead of schedule, even! So, how long did it take me to do that?

4 hours.

I was shocked. It felt like I worked all day on that stuff! It struck me that maybe my job isn't as "busy" as I act. Suddenly, I realized how much time I waste sending goofy emails, checking blogs, watching YouTube and doing other frivolous things.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have some fun at work. I'm all about enjoying work. But if I can get all that done in four hours, what could I accomplish in a full-day, working as hard as I can?

Anybody feel me on this? Anybody waste time like it's in unlimited supply?


Unknown said...

I hear ya bro! World's worst and it's nobody's fault but mine!

Angela said...

I completely understand! I am at work now and have just started checking my list of blogs. I COULD be getting so much more done. (like the paper I KNOW is due in a couple weeks or the production assignment due tonight)

Todd Wright said...

Why do we do it? Is our work boring and we don't want to do it? Too hard? Are we just can we fix it?

Angela said...

I don't know. I just finished checking all of the blogs. Now I feel guilty. But I still don't want to work on my paper!

Angela said...

No, wait. I think I know my problem. After I work for a while (going to school and then doing stuff here....and knowing that I will go home and do schoolwork) I almost feel as though I DESERVE a little break to do the meaningless things I do. When I'm through doing that I no longer want to continue to work (outside work...I HAVE to work while I'm here) because surfing the net seems SO much more appealing.

blake stewart said...

i dont think i need to say anything besides im posting this while "working hard"...

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

I think this means we should all quit our jobs and start a band...

Michael James said...

sometimes i wish i didn't have a real grown up job. ever since this promotion last week, my goof off time has been drastically cut. all i do is check my office email for those of you in school, enjoy your time there. don't be in such a rush to join the working world. unless you just plan on starting a band.