Listed below are some things I've recently discovered. I think they are cool. I think you will agree with me.

A documentary about the "hardest video game ever created" and two men obsessed with holding the world record.
This is a great look at obsession and what it can do to a person. And even though a documentary, there are some fantastic characters in this film.
It's really, really good.

Aerotone is a netlabel that focuses on "melancholy music." And most of it is free!
In addition to the overall hipness of a "web-label," the music is actually really good. (If you dig such spacey, mellow things.) As best I can tell, these artists are posting their stuff for free. This seems very cool to me. Songs are perfect for chilling out or even cool videos or contemplative services.

I've already blogged about these chips, but they continue to impress me.
I am discovering, however, that they may induce some of the worst "chip breath" known to man. (Think Funyuns-meets-Doritos Cool Ranch-meets-Olive Garden Breadsticks.)

There are mine...what about you?
Got any "recommends" for us?
Battlestar Galactica, Demians, and The Glenrothes Select Reserve.
Nice list, Johnny...
The picture of you with the chips scares me for some reason.
Kristen also said it was scary.
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