Monday, March 14, 2005

Sleep or Songwriting?

I called Forrest today to see if he tried "Fast as Fast" on his songwriting teacher. The dude like the first verse a lot, had minor problems with the chorus and ripped apart our second verse. Forrest then played my original second verse, which the guy liked better, but still tore up. He had some good to stuff to say, but I don't think Forrest and I will pursue that. I'm thinking of joining TAXI again. I always think that's going to be the answer, but last time, it was just a lot of money and hard work down the drain. I also considered entering some stuff in songwriting contests, but I need to do a little research on that.

Apparently, around 10:30 in the morning is my most creative part of the day. I'm sitting at my desk, writing lyrics, hearing melodies, thinking "Oh yeah. When my family goes to bed tonight, I'm writing 3 or 4 songs." Yet, here it is. Not even 10pm and my eyes are already sagging.

I know, I know. What the heck am I doing blogging if I'm so tired, right?

Good point.