Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hold Up, Wait A Minute...

That, my friends is the album cover for Family Force 5's new release, Dance Or Die.
Jonah and I found three of the tracks on a EP a couple of months ago and we're excited to hear this record. (Which "drops" in mid-August, I believe.)

So far, the three pre-release tracks haven't impressed Jonah, who may be the world's youngest FF5 fan, but I really dig them.
I actually think it's going to be really interesting to watch what this record does in the market.


Johnny! said...


Todd Wright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Todd Wright said...

The NIN guy is hating on my love for Family Force 5?

*I can't spell, by the way...that's why comment #2 was deleted*

p-melt said...

That album cover looks like it's right out 1979.

david said...

soul glow activator promises the new album is "sweaty rock 'n' roll dance music" as opposed to their "all party" debut.