Sunday, January 20, 2008

How The Deal Went Down, Part I

Left about 8 with the wife and kids and headed north. Opted with the Tyler/I-20 option rather than the 175. the 175 is okay, but there's always a chance you'll get behind a tractor or something. Came up I-20 and then took the loop around Dallas toward the CD duplication company to pick up CDs. We made pretty good time and then encountered one of the longest traffic jams of my life. (I'm very sheltered in this regard - Lufkin boys don't see a lot of traffic.) We literally got in traffic one mile from the place and we were stuck there for about 45 minutes. I could see my exit! i just couldn't get to it!

Got to the CD place and prepared to load them into the car. Imagine my surprise when they were packed in NINE BOXES! We hastily crammed boxes in our already crammed car and headed out for lunch. Opened box to check out CDs...they looked great, but no shrink wrap. I'm not sure what happened there. We ordered shrink wrap. Our receipt says shrink-wrap. But no shrink-wrap. (Don't worry, I've already sent them an email...should know something in the week or so.) But I wanted shrink-wrap.

Instead of heading straight to Sanger, we went drove to Grapevine for a very exciting lunch (and expensive) lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. On an unrelated note, I saw a blog from the Chandlers...yes, those Chandlers of the Village...that said THEY went to the same mall on Friday afternoon. I may have been in the same vicinity of Matt Chandler! WOWEE!

After lunch, we finally made it to Sanger. We unpacked the stuff, gave hugs all around to the Conns and then got ready for the DNow meal and rally on Friday night. We didn't play...I just made an appearance at the rally. Robert was kind enough to pre-pay for a 30 count box of CDs. Which was cool.

After the rally, we put the kids in bed and hung out for a bit. I played a little basketball in the church's new gym for a little exercise, then came back to the Conn's house.