Thursday, October 11, 2007

The kids woke up at 5:30. I think Finley's cough woke her up, plus her room was pretty cool. (Fall has arrived in East Texas!) Jonah woke up at 5:30 because, well, that's just what he does...

Kristen finally got Finley to lay back down and Jonah somehow ended up in my bed. I laid down in his room for awhile, but couldn't go to sleep. At 6, I went to our room to tell Jonah he could get up. Kristen wasn't having any of that (probably because today was her day to get up with the kids first!) so Jonah hung out in his room reading for 10 or 15 minutes. Kristen got up with him and I finally fell back asleep.

Kristen woke me up at 7:30. I came in to find Jonah watching some TV and then heard Finley waking up.

I let Kristen sleep until a little after 8, then we started making a plan for our day. Don't you just hate it when your Friday off is filled with 3 or 4 errands. (Ha ha!) We ate breakfast, started getting ready and began picking up the house. How does a living room get filled with toys EVERY SINGLE NIGHT?

Went up to the church at 10 to help out a church member who's having an event tomorrow and needed some instruction on the sound system/cd player...had just enough time after CD training to grab a free Diet Coke and some M&Ms as a reward. Drove home with the windows down and the A/C off for the first time in a long time. Got home, Krist took the car and went to work.

While Kristen worked, I cleaned up the house a bit and Jonah begged to play video games. Finley was extremely grouchy - I think she must have a sore throat because all she wants to do is drink. I did my best to tend the children and get the house presentable for the appraiser who's coming by this afternoon, the last hurdle in the whole house-selling thing. Well, if you don't count packing, moving, unpacking, painting, wallpapering, flooring as a "hurdle," that is.

Kristen got home and we got ready to head to the bank to deposit her paycheck. I went out to crank the car and decided to check the mail. Imagine my surprise when I found money in the mailbox. We got a couple of refund checks and some cash refund for something for Jonah's school. You know what money in the mail box means, right?


So we headed to our new favorite lunch joint, UFO Pizza for some Oven-Fired Flat Bread and a 14-inch Planets of Pepperoni! Delicious! After lunch, Jonah and I dropped the girls off and then headed back into town to do a little grocery shopping. After that we headed to the church to grab a DVD.

Came home, unloaded groceries and took off my shoes. (I can't stand wearing shoes non-stop for a full day. In fact, if I don't get a little "foot" break at some point in the day, I get really sad...I'm so weird.) Jonah caught the ending of Word Girl and Kristen sat in the living room reading some old book she got from the library. I checked some blogs and laid around debating on whether or not I could talk my wife into allowing me to take a nap.

No nap happened. Finley woke up from her nap and we all headed back into town for some primer (we're painting tomorrow.) After that, we ran over to my mother-in-laws, then came back home. We bathed the kids, got them in bed, then sat around deciding what to do with a Friday night. I kept debating exercise versus renting a movie.

I rented the movie. We watched "Perfect Stranger" with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. It had a great ending, but overall, not worth the money. Acting was really lousy and the cursing was so over-the-top it was laughable. Read: Stay Away from "Perfect Stranger."

(Perfect Strangers, on the other hand, was a fantastic sitcom that followed the crazy lives of Larry Appleton and his naive, but good natured cousin, Balki Bartokomous.) And it had way less cussing.

After the movie, we checked on the kids and went to bed. Tomorrow, we paint! (And wallpaper, too!)


Robert Conn said...


Johnny! said...

You shouldn't let Finley drink, sore throat or not.