Sunday, July 01, 2007

Fear Factor I

Why I would be scared to do a gig with John Simmons:

Because the whole time I'm leading, he'd be back there thinking,

"Well, that tune reeks of dispensensationalism!"
"This guy ought to read the Bible more."

"If he asks me to play four-on-the-floor one more time, he's going down."

Stay tuned for more info on who I'd be scared to join on stage!


Johnny! said...

I don't critique songs while I'm playing. I've prayed the Lord's forgiveness while playing fairly often...and I dig four on the floor.

Sing your Dispy songs...I'm makin' a buck from it, which will be used to advance the glorious millennial reign of our Lord.

( ; ^)-

Todd Wright said...

"makin' a buck?"

I don't really pay my musicians, John. I only use players with true "servant-hearts."

Johnny! said...

Heh. Johnny gotta eat.