Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dear Confessors...

Hey, if you're a worship leader who does video confessionals...let's stop giving people obvious information like this...

"Hey, it's Number ____, I'm in my car."
Oh, yes. I see the traffic and trees flying by your car window. Got it now. Thanks for the clue.

"Coming to you from my office."
I don't care. You got CDs, books and a computer. Why tell me? I'd rather let my imagination run wild.

"I'm in the church courtyard in between the Education Building and the new construction of the PlayZone Funland for the Children's Ministry."
You mean that giant Twisty-Slide? And that steeple above the tree-line. Okay, I believe you now.

I'm also not a big fan of us telling each other what time it is. Let's just be honest, we all stay up too late, right?

I'll try to do better on mine if you'll do the same...


Robert Conn said...

Todd, you need some Pepto man.

blake stewart said...

Why you being a jerk?