Saturday, August 06, 2005

I am such a bad lead guitar player. I slaved over "My Savior" last night and never came up with anything. So, I've asked Ryan Finnerud to cook up some side acoustic stuff that we can track within the next few weeks.

I tried to track "My Lips" and "Glorify," but found out that sequences weren't exactly right. I shot off an email to Romack to ask him to tweak them a bit.

Sent the August article to Rob. I'm really bummed the coolhunting issue didn't turn out better. It's frustrating because I did the work, it's just that nobody would or could help.

I'm already getting ready for the September songwriting issue - mailing Rob a CD of the submissions on Monday so we can start picking a winner. We're also interviewing Thomas Miller of Gateway Church in Southlake. Gateway has developed a ministry for songwriters in their church.

I've got a good bit of stuff to do for church tomorrow, but I ain't doing it today! Guess I'll pull another all-nighter tonight. Carol is running a clip of For the Love of the Game tomorrow morning! Excellent! Plus, we're doing "All the Freed," which I believe will rock nicely.