Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Thank You, Romack!

A few months ago, Justin Romack said,

"Hey, you guys want to borrow my Zelda game?"

I said, "OF COURSE," and then he gave it to me.

I played it for one night and then decided that it was a game fashioned in the very fires of Mordor and would forever be the pre-teen video game that bested me.

And then, there was Jonah.

Somewhere along the way, Jonah decided to play the game, moving me from gamer to armchair coach as I help Jonah navigate the journey of the Wind Waker. Parts of the game are much too complex for Jonah, so I get the chance to show my skills, but what's more interesting is the entire family-aspect of this addicting little journey game.

Now, Kristen and I sit and watch, helping Jonah decide which door to take or how to use the grappling hook to get past the Lava Scorpion.

Even Finley enjoys watching this.

John Piper would hate my guts.


Johnny! said...

Piper's writing yet another book as we speak--his polemic against family videogaming. I'm sure it will have "passion" or "desiring" or the like in the title. He's got about eight points he'd like to make, mostly from Paul's epistles.

Jeff said...

aaah yes. when video games become a part of families the world is a better place. thats what i tell andreia anyway.

Robert Conn said...

I used to have an Apple II C. It had a 7 inch monochrome monitor and the 5" Floppy disks. However, I had a game called Zork. All you did was type N for North, S for South, so on and so on. After ever move you would be surprised to find out what you ran into, room, river, dragon, etc.

Man I loved that game!

It must have been the grandpa to Zelda!

Ffdskl Edhchgerg said...

I remember when my parents would play Duck Hunt with us every once in a while... those were good times.

Romack said...

I remember when Zelda came to the Super Nintendo. My dad and I played the original ones on the NES, but, when I got the game for the SNES, I can't remember who was more excited - me or my dad.