Thursday, April 21, 2005

Rock The Wesley 2005

Played the Wesley. Ate at Clear Springs. Pint of Marble Slab's Double Dark Chocolate w/ Heath Bar.

Wesley Set
Lifted Hands (Keyes)
Praise Adonai (Baloche)
Love Me Like You Do (Keller)
Step by Step (Beaker)

Holy is the Lord (Tomlin/Reeves)
My Lips Will Sing (Wright)

Worship at the Wesley was good. We got there about six, so that gave us about 40 minutes to sound-check/practice. I have to say that it came off really well for four guys who hadn't rehearsed the songs. Ryan did a lot more rhythm on electric, which I was hoping for. The sound system was really pretty bad, so I think that hindered us a bit.

Since I don't lead at the Wesley, I couldn't very well judge the response. Angela (Justin's girlfriend) said the response was good. I trust her to tell me the truth.
Once again, I see that the whole travelling thing is not for me. I like hanging out w/ my guys and playing worship, but I like knowing my crowd.

I'm not very pastoral, but I just think worship is so much better when the leader knows the people. I'm still not Mr. Relational, but I can't deny that committing to a place to lead is the way to go.

Now, that Wesley is done, I'll try to finish up some writing. Also need to start working on Sanger retreat/Senior Sunday stuff.


Robert Conn said...

Bout Time!