Monday, December 20, 2010

5 Things Your Minister Thinks On A Sunday Night

Sundays are a big deal to the folks who work in your church. For most of us, the whole week builds toward that day. We prepare and we plan and most of us can be found awake late on Saturday night making sure that we've got everything in it's proper place.

That means that Sunday nights are the ultimate decompression. Once the craziness of the day has ended, most pastors are doing their best to rest, process and prepare for the next week.

So, in that mindset, I offer the 5 Things Your Minister Thinks On A Sunday Night.

  1. "Hey, that went okay. I thought it was going to be terrible, but that actually was okay!"

  2. "Sleep. I. need. sleep."

  3. "Oh, man. It starts all over again tomorrow!"

  4. "Let's watch a movie! Let's stay up late! Let's party...we made it through Sunday!"

  5. "Honey, where do we keep my resume?"
What would you add?


Robert Conn said...

The sound of White Noise...........

Dave said...

This week I think it was:

1. I want to play with my XBOX
2. I want to play with my XBOX
3. I want to play with my XBOX
4. I want to play with my XBOX
5. I want to play with my XBOX

Liz said...

At my house anyway, it was:
"Everyone just leave me alone & let me zone out for a while."