Friday, August 07, 2009


  • A THOUSAND GENERATIONS (Don Poythress) What a song! When I first got this new record of Don's, there were other tunes that interested me more. Then one night, the song just hit me in a whole new way. Last week, I realized it would be a great fit for the series we would be doing, so I fired it up. We bumped it to A rather than G#. (Grrrr....just write in G or A, okay worship guys?) After rehearsal, we made a few changes...slowed it down a bit, extended the 2nd intro and modified the one variation in the verses. We taught it on Sunday and it went better than I could have ever hoped. I think a lot of worship leaders would look down their nose at Poythress' mellow, country vibe, but that would be a huge mistake. Churches all over America are filled with trendy worship leaders who want to be cool so bad that they end up missing songs that are easy to play and good for the people.

  • BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (arr. Michael Neale) This is an OLD Bob Fitts tune. I even remember it being in our hymnal when I was a teenager. If you read this blog very often, you already know that I dig both Michael Neale and Bob Fitts quite a this one is the perfect mix for me! It's soulful and groovy and has an awesome key change. What else do you need!

  • RUN (Hillsong) I've been digging this song for about a year, but didn't use it until this past July at Reality Week up in PA. It's still way too wordy for its own good, but I think it's an awesome song if you can pace the melody just right. I'll be using in August at Bethel's Wednesday night youth service and possibly even bring it to the main stage later on.

  • GLORY TO GOD FOREVER (Fee) Haven't played this one in worship yet, but I'm itching to do it! Really loving the groove and melodic consistency in this tune. Plus, it's a rocker!

  • I'M SINGING (Kari Jobe) A friend of mine recommended this tune to me and I've really come to love it. I'm still trying to find a good place to utilize it, but I think it will be a good one.

  • GOD HAS COME (Glen Packiam) I think Glen's writes some of the coolest melodies and this tune showcases this guy at his best. The production value scares me a little - there's a lot going on in this one and I worry I wouldn't have enough folks on stage to pull off as much energy as the recorded version. I guess we'll know soon enough!
So...what songs are you digging these days?


Brian Boatman said...

There are some really cool new songs out right now. Aaron Shust's new CD has me picking a new favorite everytime I listen, but "Breathe In Me" is incredable. Diamond Rio just released a great personal worship tune called "God is There," while Don Poythress' "The Faithfulness Of Jesus" can almost make me weep it's so powerful.