Thursday, December 22, 2005

How often have we heard that ministry is a service unto God? How is it that we then claim that ministry is a matter of being a servant to the people? Any student of human nature will tell you that, inexorably humans will fail. They will divert from God’s plan. Is it possible to serve a need of the people that is in direct misalignment with ministering unto the Lord? Is there a juste milieu?
Make no mistake about it – there is certainly a contingent of those (believers perhaps) who believe that this diversion from alignment with God is due, in part, to cultural stimuli.
I’m not sure that’s necessarily the case, as humans seem perfectly adroit at messing up their lives without the help of said stimuli. Of course, I don’t think that any determination can be made without further researching the impact that the culture has on people of faith. I am of the belief that cultural stimuli are, in fact, manifestations of weaknesses already present within our hearts and minds; as such, they act as the perfect siren-song of compromise as they are temptations birthed from inside of us and then displayed back to us via modern day media, the global acceptance of various abominations, etc.


Clay said...


I appreciate this blog. I would like to dive into this "think tank" and take a cool dip in these intellectual waters that you have poured before us, if you don't mind. Now, speaking from a strict objectivist epistimology, I would like to offer a theory that, in my most humble opinion, paints, with a broad stroke I might add, a picture of the culmination of thoughts stated therein.

I recall the Agenda-Setting Theory by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw. The prevailing selective exposure hypothesis claims that people only watch television; i.e. news, sporting events, and movies that did'nt threaten their established beliefs. The media merely "strokes" pre-existent attitudes. Now, my question is, to continue this stimulating dialogue, why are believers partaking of such media presentations that are contradictory to their beliefs? Does sinful nature take us down this primrose path? Moreover, can you explain this away with cognitive dissonance? I await your response.


Todd Wright said...

A primose path, to be sure. The Word clearly states that wide is the way that leads to destruction. However, is your question regarding why Christian go down this primrose path or, in fact, are you questioning whether or not, we even truly know, comprehend and appreciate the fact that there is a negative end at all?

Robert Conn said...

Let me be the first one to jump in here and say, "please stop" we're all getting head aches. It's Christmas for crying out loud.

Todd Wright said...

Hey, a park ranger like my blog. Sweet.