Thursday, April 16, 2009

What They Knew...

My parents and your parents (and maybe even your grandparents) have a tremendous lead on us when it comes to music.

Those who came before us saw and heard some of the greats. No auto-tune. No performance on a stage in sync with a music video of that very same performer.

No, our parents saw something different - folks who captivate a crowd with a microphone and a guitar. A solo piano. A jazz combo.

In these days, we don't see many of these performers. But when we do, we're blown away; we're captivated by the power of well-written song and a brilliantly-shared story.

Jon Troast is one of those people.

I love Jon Troast because he's humble enough to cut through all the pretense of performance; he's mischievous enough to know that songs should surprise us; he's honest enough to realize that faith and everyday life are obviously connected...not some off/on switch between sacred and secular that all good Christians know how to do.

I couldn't be more excited that Jon is coming to Tyler next week! My pal Garrick is bring Jon to Young Life Tyler next Monday, April 20th at Accelerate Enhancement Center. The show kicks off at 8:57 and I think folks are going to love Jon's tunes. If you dig great songwriting, you'll want to be there!


Chad said...

Awesome! I've been following his 100 Concerts in 100 Days Podcast and was hoping that he would be in Dallas. His songs do hold up well played as solo acoustic arrangements or dressed up in the studio for the albums. Hitchcock used to preview his movies with and without the soundtrack to find out if the scenes were equally suspenseful. If not, then he would cut them and refilm. I think good music is kind of the same way . . . take away the additional soundtracks and the song should still hold up if it is well written. Long live the singer/songwriters!