Last night, I headed up to Tyler to check out the David Crowder*Band's big-screen debut!
(Also went by Bethel to pick up my computer and some other related techno-goods.)
As some of you know, DC*B's live DVD goes on sale today and Monday night's 100-screen preview was a great way to build excitement!
So here, in bullet form, are my thoughts on the movie.
- It wasn't loud enough. The concert was obviously very, very rocking, but the theater didn't really have it cranked loud enough for my taste.
- I got a new appreciation for some of the songs from Remedy. I have the record, and I've listened to it, but some of the tunes never really "landed" for me. But seeing the band play live brought some of those tunes a bit closer to my mind and heart.
- These guys really are some stellar musicians. In addition, it was very good show - lots of bells and whistles and warbles and tweets to keep listeners interested. Bwack and Jack Parker were especially entertaining.
- I would have liked some breaks in the set. It would have been cool to throw some behind-the-scenes stuff in there. I know there's lots of that on the DVD, but I think it would have been nice in the theater version, too.
- The show felt a little long to me. It was nice to hear the old stuff ("No One Like You," "O Praise Him" and lots of "A Collision,) but I was ready to go about four songs too early.
- Had a good time with Jinx, Finn, Romack, Corey and Artie.
- I definitely want to see the reported how-to sections of the DVD. These dudes were playing instruments I had never even seen!
If you get a chance to see the new DVD, I think you'll enjoy it.
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