Friday, July 18, 2008

My Friday...

Finley woke up at 6:15. She's now discovered how to open the door to her room, so now, instead of calling us, we hear her rummaging around in the kitchen...which is something you do not want your 2-year old doing.

(While I as leading worship at camp, Kristen walked in one afternoon to find her at the kitchen counter eating peanut butter. With an ink pen.)

So, we hear Finley in the kitchen and Kristen mumbles...

"i got...first...yester...your...turn..."

It made me so angry. Doesn't she know I was up late watching Arrested Development and eating cereal? Don't I need my rest?

Anyway, I got up, got Finley her apple juice and we lounged in the living room while Jonah and Kristen slept.

And slept.

And slept.

Jonah woke up just before 8. Finley was so excited to see him she grabbed his hand and started kissing it. (We're really blessed in that our two kids really do LOVE hanging out together!)

Not long after, Kristen got up. I went through a little moral dilemma at that time - sleep or exercise.?

I chose exercise. Ran on the treadmill for a while, then grabbed a shower and got dressed. We didn't really have any plans for the day. (We've been trying to stay at home as much as possible, since gas prices are little bit higher than normal. Don't know if you've noticed...)

The kids were dressed so I decided to run up the road and visit with my grandparents. It's weird - they live literally fifty yards from us and yet we have a hard time meeting up. Gotta' fix that.

Anyway, Jonah, Finley and I hung out there for about a half-hour then ran back home to pick up Krist. We ran to the bank and then decided to pop in and see Kristen's dad, who works out of town during the week. We ended up eating lunch over there, which was nice. After hanging out and "visitin'," we headed back home.

Put Finley down for a nap, Jonah fired up the Wii, Kristen read a magazine and I snuck in a nap!

After the nap, we all went over to see visit my Dad for awhile. We had a really good time. Dad is moving around pretty good on the walker and doing a good job of dealing with all of the stuff that comes from having an accident like that. We ate supper, plowed through dozens of chocolate donuts (another story for another Dad really needs a blog, by the way.)

The kids played, we all hung around and talked and laughed for a good while. We got home a little before 8pm and threw the kids in the tub. Finley went to bed (but not to sleep) pretty quick and Jonah went to sleep a little after 9. I ran to CVS to pick up some stuff then came back home. At one point earlier in the evening, Kristen had released me to go see Batman, but we're headed out of town tomorrow and a 3 hour superhero movie might be something I regret tomorrow morning. I'll get to it next week probably.

While Kristen lounged around, I actually hit the treadmill AGAIN! Yes...that's 2 workouts in one day. Why? Why not?

After exercise, showered, got some stuff together for the trip on Saturday and went to bed!
I asked this a few weeks ago: Won't somebody else do a "My Friday" post? It would be such a cool tradition! You could even use the little logo up top. We could start a worldwide blogging movement.


Romack said...

Agreed, your dad does need a blog.

Hope he's recovering well, and getting good reports from the doctors. Tell him Tyronne says "hey".