Saturday, April 12, 2008

Why Do I Do Stuff Like This?

In addition to having some major computer problems, my wife has been in Florida for the past few days. (She kept saying it's a "sabbatical." Should I be concerned?)

Anyway, those two events have prevented me from blogging. It's just as well - not that much cool has happened to me. (Although a funny thing did happen w/ the Paul Baloche deal...more later.)

Typically, Friday nights are "movie night" for the Wright family. We usually rent a movie for the kids and one for Kristen and I (that we end up never watching.) So, the kids rented Alvin and the Chipmunks and I rented Michael Clayton.

We had a picnic in the living room, watching Alvin and crew then had some ice cream. Finley went to bed around 8 and Jonah finally fell asleep around 9:30. So I head downstairs, trying to decide what to do. I decided against the treadmill as it would prevent me hearing if my children were to fall from their beds, choke in the night or be attacked by vipers.

The movie! So I pop on the TV and start getting ready to see if George Clooney's legal thriller is all it's cracked up to be. But before I do, I decided to check this independent film channel we get. It usually a 50/50 mix of really great movies and really horrible ones, so I try to check it out often. While surfing, I realize that it's free-movie-weekend or something. None of the good channels mind you - but some lame movie channels showing a bunch of old, not too exciting stuff that might still entice us into signing up for their products.

I surf through to see what they've got and I come across this:

I watched the whole thing. The whole thing.

Should I be concerned?


Johnny! said...

Don't feel bad; I watched "Roadhouse" the morning of my wedding day.

Robert Conn said...

Never saw it. Somewhat glad too.

david said...

i was never brave enough to admit i watched the postman last month.

Todd Wright said...

The Postman is awesome.

Heard the book is way weirder, but I loved that movie too.