Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I don't think you have to be a comic book nerd to add your voice to this one. (But I could be wrong...)

Which one of these guys has consistently created and maintained the best superheroes?

Anybody care to list out all the heroes from each perspective company?


Kaity said...

I dont know a whole lot but DC wins because of batman. Straight up.Batman is amazing.

rk said...

OK, I've been avoiding this one for fear of exposing my secret, but it keeps pulling me in like a magnet, so here goes.

First of all, in terms of character division, here's a basic rundown of popular and/or made-into-movie characters from the respective universes, in no particular order:

Fantastic Four
Incredible Hulk
Iron Man
Captain America

Wonder Woman
Green Lantern

Now, there have been plenty of cinematic turds among the list of made-into-movies stuff, but i don't think anyone can legitmately argue that, if one were to make a short list of "best comic book movies ever," you'd have to put these few on it (again, in no particular order):

Spider-Man 1 and 2
X-Men 1 and 2
Superman (old one) 1 and 2
Batman Begins
Batman (Keaton)

I mean, purely from a "what critics and fans generally liked," you have some consistency on that list. These weren't just good superhero movies, they were good MOVIES.

But here's where it gets complicated. Marvel got a little ahead of itself a few years ago and made too many movies too fast (both FF movies stunk, the last Spider-Man wasn't great, Elektra stunk, Daredevil and the Hulk had pretty mixed reviews, etc). Whereas DC has really only made one movie, in recent years, that could arguably be called a disappointment, and that was Superman Returns. Considering it made $400 worldwide, that's a hard argument to make. But the media persists...

So, here's my final determination. From a purely comic book perspective, I personally enjoy the Marvel property more than DC. And i think they've made more good movies (and just more movies). But they've also made more mediocre and bad movies.

My personal favorites, in case anyone cares? Here they are, in order:

Spider-Man 2
Batman Begins
Blade 2
Spider-Man 1

And yes, I'm a geek. And i have no shame.

Todd Wright said...

Wouldn't the Batman series be classified as DC movies?

rk said...

Why, exactly?

rk said...

By the way, i meant to say that Superman Returns made $400 million worldwide. $400 would be a pretty big disappointment.

And yes, this makes 3 comments from me about comic books...

Romack said...

I fully intended to scour the web to list my findings from both comic entities...but Ross just developed such a concise list, that I had no need to do so. Thanks Ross.

I am going to side with Marvel, though Batman is my favorite. I am basing my decision on the video game aspect of the discussion. I owned several Batman games (NES, SNES, and Sega), an X-Men game for the Sega Genisis, a Spider-Man VS Venom game for the SNES, and also the Spider-Man game for the N64. Marvel's games were just so much better.

They were entertaining, challenging, and let's just face it - the superpower capabilities on the Marvel games was just superior to DC's offering.

david said...

i've a;ways liked the everyman quality of marvel characters. normal people thrust into extraordinary situations. stan lee stinkin' rocks!
i grew up watching the super friends. i had a constant diet of dc. as i grow older i appreciate more and more the complexity of relationships and self that marvel always brings to characters.
yeah, yeah, superman doesn't have his daddy. but his dad was even richer than batman's. nothing against orphans.
are there broad themes that run through each? your thoughts?

blake stewart said...

Tough one. If based off of the current list of movies, it would make this decision hard...

I loved the X-Men movies (yes, all three), Spiderman 1 was ok but the other 2 sucked, and all the rest were just horrible...

Now, DC has released a crappy one out of that new Superman, but I think Batman Begins pretty much wins the whole movie war all in itself. It was AWESOME! I also have a feeling that Dark Knight might even be better...

Now the new Wolverine movie prolly is gonna rock but anyways I'm getting side-tracked.

If based off of who has the best superheroes no matter what, I would say that Marvel would take DC in a fight no matter what... Not just because they have more people, it's just not fair...

My vote goes to Marvel. (I know it doesn't make sense.)

rk said...

Sorry, todd, I misunderstood your question. I was just listing my favorite comic book movies, regardless of who owned them.