Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Apple's Next Problem
Seth Godin, / dec. 14, 2007

Walked into Starbucks two days ago and saw five people with laptops. Every single one a white Mac. Five unrelated people out of five, same machine.

When your entire culture is organized about being the other, the outsider, the insurgent, the one that's better than the masses... (like Starbucks, btw), what do you do when you are the masses?

It's a good problem to have, but it's still a problem.



Todd Wright said... comments from Mac owners. Interesting.

blake stewart said...

well i cant relate. you will never see me in starbucks and im definately not sporting a white mac, thats so last year. oh and if hell froze over and i was in starbucks i would NEVER bring my computer in there.

Jeff said...

I own a Mac. I don't care what people think of me. I don't use it to be cool or standout. I use it cause I like it. Oh and starbucks, well they happen to make really good coffee. Dunkin Donuts coffe is good too, and costs more per cup than SB's. Maybe Seth should pick on them. Haha.

Romack said...

But if I cared about being trendy, would I really be concerned with diversity?

People who buy Mac's to keep up with "the next guy", don't care about being original...they want to be "average"...which is sad, to me.

Todd Wright said...

Yeah, Blake...cause the point of the post was certainly the part about white Macs.

Johnny! said...

I disagree with the premise.

Jinx said...

I love my Mac...I don't hang out at Starbucks...but I love coffee...and my Mac isn't white.

I feel like I've contributed a lot to the conversation now.

Todd Wright said...

Why can't any of you just admit to being a part of a cult?

Your defensiveness speaks volumes, brothers...

Jeff said...

I am a part of a cult. Why is it a cult again? Just wondering...