Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Rise To Fame

Some of you read in an earlier post that my family lost someone last week. My cousin's husband, Danny, died a little over a week ago, and he was only 38. Naturally, this shocked us all. They lived in Santa Fe, Texas, but because most of the Wright family is in East Texas, they held the funeral here.

Another one of my cousins came in from West Virginia. I hadn't seen her in awhile, so when I saw her we hugged and stood around talking for a few minutes. This look dawns on her face and she says:

"Hey, have you heard of a guy named Jimmy Needham! He came and played at our church and he's awesome!"

It took me a second to contain my surprise. Here's why: some of you heard that we encountered some delays on the string stuff on the CD. So last week, Ross calls me and we talk about what we want to do. Then he says this...

"Have you heard of this guy named Jimmy Needham? He's a CCM artist and he lives in Bryan/College Station. His wife is supposed to be a really good violinist. Want me to call her?"
So, imagine my surprise when my cousin from the other side of the country brings up the same dude! My slight connection with Jimmy immediately gave me some rock star cred, because the next day, my cousin introduced me to somebody at lunch like this:

"This is Donna's son, Todd. He's a recording artist."

Ha ha! I have arrived.

Look out Dove Awards, here I come!


Robert Conn said...

Isn't that old man Needham's boy?

Todd Wright said...

No, no, no...

You remember old man Needham's brother...Joe, I think.

Jimmy's his boy.