Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'd like to submit a new song for all Guitar Players to Play When They Pick Up A Guitar...

"Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" by John Mayer.

Good grief...another Mayer tune murdered by the Wannabe Contingent.


Johnny! said...

Hozabout "The Guitar Guy at the Party" by Mike Birbiglia?

blake stewart said...

Can you play it? Then don't rag on it...

Todd Wright said...

Did I rag on it?
Did I say it was a bad song?
Did I say it was stupid or poorly written or easy to play?
Did I say I could play it?

What did I say about the song?

Oh, yeah, I said it's gonna' be the next big tune guitar players play when they're noodling. And they're going to kill a really good song.

Aren't you the one who posted the picture of the "no stairway" sign on an amp? You know what happens when cool songs get elevated to classic status.

You took a cheap shot, Blake, and everybody knows it.

Forrest said...
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Forrest said...

and by the way...

Todd can play the song...