Friday, April 21, 2006

Maryland Day 2

Slept until 9:30. Yes. Of course, I went to bed at 2:30, but for the dad of a four year-old and a twelve week-old, seven hours of uninterrupted sleep is quite nice. I would have slept later, but one of Jason's alarms woke me up.

I got up, called Krist then ate some breakfast while I checked email. Exercised a little bit (you never eat good on the road, you know!) Romack was up when I came back from walking. I ironed some clothes, played around with Justin's laptop on Jason's wireless network and watched CMT. Living the high life indeed.

Jason came by around 1 and we made sandwiches. After lunch, we went to the church and worked a little more w/ Robert. Had a leader meeting at 4 where we met up with Forrest. During the course of the meeting, we figured out a way to have everybody practice around 11pm. That put everybody at ease.

Met up with the whole band at 10 and worked until somewhere just after 1am. It turned out okay...I'm still a little apprehensive, but I think it's going to come together. Discovered that Jason loves 24 and had DVR'd last weeks episode. So we came home, made some sandwhiches and watched Jack Bauer do his thing.

Also, I had forgotten how funny The Office is.


Todd Wright said...

Yeah, the bad part is that I'll have to go home and play it off:

"Oh, it was okay. I mean, we had fun, but mostly we sat around."

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go ahead and admit that I'm jealous. Sounds fun. I told you that place was addictive.