Friday, June 10, 2011

5 Ways That Uncle Jesse Is A Hipster

I've made no secret of my daughter's love for the late 80's sitcom, Full House. Finley likes everything about the show, but her favorite has to be Uncle Jesse.

Jesse was the hard-rocking, heartthrob who gave up his dreams of rock n' roll stardom to help his brother-in-law raise his three daughters.

"Uncle Jesse" gave us quite a rich catalog of cultural catch-phrases that people still use to this day. I mean, you realize, of course, that Uncle Jesse gave us the phrase bad-hair-day. The man was a trail-blazer, to be sure.

But since I've been watching the show for a few months now, I submit that Jesse Katsopolis was years...decades...ahead of his time. He was a hipster.

  • Nobody rocked a cleaner, deeper V-neck that Uncle Jesse. Seriously...go back and look. This guy owned the v-neck and he pulled it off. Granted, he usually added a long gold cross necklace to the wardrobe, but the V was deep. Hipster.

  • Vests. Yes, yes, vests were big in the 80's, but typically only on stages. It was rare back then to see a grown man wearing a tiny leather vest in his normal everyday duties. Hipster.

  • I'm not sure when it happened, but there was a period in the show where Jesse wore suspenders. Maybe it was supposed to be his "preppy" phase? Unfortunately, these suspenders made him look like a weirdo, but Jesse didn't care what people thought of his suspenders. Hipster.

  • He had a really long-hair phase followed by a really short-hair phase. Hipster.

  • He rapped. Don't believe me? When and Joey started their own advertising company, quite a few of their commercial ideas were raps in the early stages before they ended up finding the hook. And what trendy young-adult of today hasn't delved into rap at some point? Hipster.
A few tidbits
*Did you know that Full House ran from 1987 to 1995? That's the year I graduated high school and I can tell you that I had no idea the show was still on at that point. Granted, it was 16-years ago, so I might have forgotten some stuff.

*Even though Jesse was supposed to be a "rocker", any cover tunes he ever played on the show were old rock songs from the 60's. Weird to see this bad-to-the-bone character rocking out to "Rockin' Robin". Family safe, for sure.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this, it 's all true!