Sunday, July 27, 2008

News From Comic-Con...

Two exciting things from Comic Con, thanks to Risky Biz Blog.

The first full day of Comic-con featured the usual: screaming fans, studio pushes and...Tron?

Pretty much right after Disney unveiled its "Escape to Witch Mountain" sequel, the studio slipped in some footage of a potential reboot of the 80's fx title (only this time it's called Tr2n).

After the Witch footage, the Disney castle logo came up and soon enough, a race on those light cycles was under way.

Essentially, it was a redone version of a well-known sequence from the 1982 pic. The scene, from director Joseph Kosinski, is actually test footage to see how feasible a remake. The topper was the reveal of one of the drivers: none other than Jeff Bridges, who could be to be reprising his role from the original.

The footage blew many away. "That was a sweet surprise, said one industry exec. "It's not very often that you get to see something that you don't know about."

Comic-Con had its first taste of pandemonium...when Hugh Jackman showed up at the tail end of Fox's presentation.

While there were whispers that some kind of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" aspect would make an appearance, to the majority of the 6,500-person hall it was still a surprise, and they went berserk.

"I know what you're thinking," Jackman said. "This guy is way too tall to play Wolverine." a reference to fan reaction almost a decade ago when it was announced he would be playing the diminutive X-Men character.

Jackman said he wanted to be here "because without you guys I wouldn't have a career." and then he did something actors, and Hollywood types in general, don't do very often: He thanked a comic creator.

Jackman singled out "Wolverine" co-creator Len Wein, who stood up to cheers, and then waded into the crowd to shake the writer's hands. "From that hand came the character that gave me my career," he said.

Then he showed a made-for-Comic-Con trailer that killed. The crowd went wild when characters like Gambit and Deadpool were seen for a split second.

Jackman's appearance was brief but had Fox's desired effect: to win over skeptics and satiate fans.

"I am no longer suspect or angry about the movie," said one girl.


The Tron thing doesn't do much for me, but I've been excited about an "Origins" film for Wolverine ever since the comic book series started making waves.

Anybody else interested in this besides Ross King and me?

Source: Jeffrey Overstreet


Anonymous said...

ORigins...THANK GOD...I cant wait..I have been following the news as well. and I wish we could see the trailer as well...I love deadpool