Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Emergency Gig

After moving for two days, a one-day retreat gig and Sunday morning worship, I could not wait to spend time with my family.

Today was fantastic, complete with a birthday party, a nap, "trunk or treat" at the church a visit to my parents and grandparets where Jonah and I had a massive wrestling match narrated by my father.

Jonah was Kid Crusher. My moniker for the match was Vanilla Thunder.

It was a close fight, but in the end, the 5-year old took the title.

Also, if you haven't been over to my wife's blog lately, she wrote what I believe is one of the most poignant blogs I've ever read in my life. In just a few paragraphs, she encapsulated what it means to be a family. So proud to call her mine!


Romack said... of the most fantastic posts I have read to date (yes - even exceeding the backpack post of a couple of weeks ago).

I could only say "amazing" in response.

daniel said...

Vanilla Thunder. I love it! haha.