Thursday, July 12, 2007


First, head over to Ross' blog to find out about this guitar. Now, when you read the part about the guitar not really working for Ross, imagine this fantastic creation of wood and steel in the hands of true master - ME.

That's right, friends, I tracked today with this really nice guitar. Ross is right in his assessment that this is certainly a finesse instrument, but for some reason, it just worked with what I was tracking today.

Here's what we did today...
1. My Lips Will Sing
2. I Am Glad
3. Like The Sun
4. King of Mercy
5. Align
6. Glorify
7. The Cross of Christ
8. Let It Be
9. All The Freed

It was a great day - we worked fast and got a lot of guitar stuff. Here's what's on tap for tomorrow.
1. You Gave Sight
2. Part of Your Story
3. Beautiful
4. Search and Know

The previously planned songwriting session did not occur, but it was totally cool. Chris and I had ate chicken wings and went to see this:
Maybe the most fun movie I've seen in awhile.

After guitar is done tomorrow, I will attempt to sing a bit...didn't bring the camera this go around so most of you will have to settle for a late night call on Friday to tell you awesome the tracking went. In addition to getting a lot done, I was able to listen to full mixes of the songs 95% of the band parts done. Will I be coming home w/ a reference CD of the tracks? You bet. Will I let you hear it? No....

Guys, I'm so excited about this record! Can you tell?


Jeff said...

Sounds cool...did you come up with an album name yet?

Johnny! said...

I'd like to hear it.