Thursday, June 07, 2007

Why I Link, Part II

Finally threw some vacation pics over at the flickr site. It's a picture site. Of my family and stuff. That's why I link it.

If I remember correctly, Robert was one of the first friends of mine who said, "I might try that blog thing, too." Now, I check his blog every single day. I never know what I'm gonna' get with his site - a little family fun, youth ministry stuff, seminary junk or just plain internet weirdness. It's a great site. Oh, he's my best friend, too. That was the other end.

I'm not gonna' lie...I wish Jason blogged a bit more frequently. But I love Jason's self-deprecating humor. I also get a kick whenever he jumps on some new bandwagon. (He does this frequently, and seeing Jason Fullen excited about something is always worth your while!)

Rachel is Jason's wife. We've discussed this before, but Rachel is the only person I know who can garner 86 comments on a post about salad. Rachel is definitely an old soul. Who would think this hip, young teacher would get so excited about baked goods, quilting and Southern Gospel music?

Is there anybody more creative that Lance Burch? Anybody quicker with his wit? I doubt it. I'm actually glad that Lance doesn't post that much, because then everybody would like his blog better than mine. (And we cannot have that.) Mark my words, people - Lance is certainly an anointed minister, but I would be willing to bet that we will one day see him writing movies, books or doing some other major creative work.

You just can't help but love Romack. He's one of those guys you love to see succeed and also really enjoy laughing at his more ridiculous moments. I think Romack is actually one of the most sincer people I ever met in my life. I like his blog because he posts his minimalist minor-key loops.

What can I say about this girl? She's beautiful, talented, funny and one hard-working girl. I link her because I think Angela is a fantastic role model for young girls. Angela exhibits a level of modesty and class that is far too rare among young women these days.