Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lessons from a 30-year old Driver

A few lessons I've learned in my driving career (to date:)

1. If you're near a skinny blond woman in her early 40's and she's driving an SUV, get out of her way. She's not gonna' see you, she's not gonna' slow down for you and she's certainly not going to obey the rule of traffic as far as your concerned. She's a soccer mom and she's got way too much on her plate to waste her time being polite in the Chick-Fil-A line.

2. If you're behind a 17-yeard old girl in a sports car (probably red,) find another route. Because otherwise, you're going to have to wait while she does her eyelashes, makes a phone call, creates an ON-THE-GO mix on her iPod and turns up her Daughtry CD.

3. If you're sharing the road with a young man anywhere between the ages of 18-32 and his truck has A)Wildlife stickers, decals or bumper stickers OR B)mud coating the entire bottom half of his vehicle OR C)Any form of "Git-R-Done" on his truck, you should be prepared for sudden stops, turns and screeching take-offs from red lights.

4. If you find yourself behind an extremely long car, be prepared for signal-less turns. It doesn't matter who is driving.

Anybody else got any?


Johnny! said...

I'm just posting a comment here to be unpredictable.

Todd Wright said...


Robert Conn said...

While on the road... Why is everyone slower than I am a moron and everyone faster than I am an idiot?

Have I secretly elected myself road king?

Forrest said...

that my friends is the coolest thing ever - and we all know what i am talking about....

Michael James said...

ooh Todd swears!

Romack said...

the Daughtry CD, Forrest?

Forrest said...

have you heard it yet?

Romack said...

Yeah, a little. Only like a listen through of a good majority of the record.

It's not bad. Not what I would have expected from what they play of it on the crappy radio around here.

Susie Moore said...

I dont have any to add but I learned alot from yours.