Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This is the new promotional pic for Caedmon's new record. Anybody notice something special here?


Jinx said...


Todd Wright said...

yessir....this is big.

Anonymous said...

I noticed Derek, but I thought you were talking about the 74 extra pounds Cliff Young has put on.

Michael James said...

i'm not as excited as i thought i would be. i'm always excited about derek, it's the caedmons part that has me apprehensive. i love old school caedmons. they were quite awful when derek and aaron tate left. don't get me wrong though, i'm definitely hoping that they're awesome again! didn't mean to be a downer.

Romack said...

yippee, Derek Webb!!!

If only you could hear the sarcasm in my voice...

Todd Wright said...

Dang, Chris...

Michael James said...

romack....don't make me hurt you!

Jinx said...

Chris just wishes he could be fat...and Romack just wishes he could appreciate Derek Webb for who he truly is....ummm, yeah...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Cliff, and ..... Todd. That was harsh. I just had to do a second take to make sure that was him. Not a real Christian thing to say. Just my sarcastic impulse. I have given myself 10 lashes.