Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dang You, Maroon 5...

I remember the first time I heard these dudes. I remember thinking that Justin Timberlake was fronting a real band. Later, I found out who they were and I dug 'em. I dug 'em a lot.

But then, radio killed Maroon 5. I got so sick of hearing them. I vowed that they would not get me again. I would not be sucked into their infectious, syrupy sweet disco/motown/rock anthems.

Well, they're back and .... dangit .... I like them~


Jeff said...

i have listened to maroon 5 since they were called kara's flowers (yes, music nerd showing off). anyway, the first time i heard their last album i LOVED it. this one, not so much. i will give it a shot since i liked them before...but you are right, radio killed them for me.

Romack said...

It's weird, because when they released that track for the "Willy Wonka" movie, it seemed a little darker- and so I got excited that they may have change their sound a bit.

But I don't like this album so far. Very pop, which I guess they are a pop group - but more so than "Songs About Jane". I will keep listening to it, but, it's not my favorite and sure hasn't strenghthened my loyalty to Maroon 5.