Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I feel really excited about the September issue of worshipnotes. We've got the songwriting winnner (not picked yet,) an interview, a review, Tom's got a good article. Plus, I've got a cool idea for our October issue.

I also have this idea for wn. Originally, it was an idea that I plan on using here at home. I want to create a 5-7 week series of "mini-lessons" on worship. like Why We Worship or something like that. Each lesson would about 3-5 minutes long w/ an accompanying powerpoint template. For my particular church, they're cool with clapping in worship, but they don't really know anything about kneeling or shouting or other Biblical commands about worship. If I did it, and it worked, I think it would be cool to make it available as a free download on worshipnotes. Even in today's hip society, I think a lot of church bodies really don't have any idea what the Bible says about worship.

As worship leaders, I think we bear a responsibility to teach our people about worship. But, if you're not a gifted teacher, it's hard to come up w/ creative ways to do that. Maybe this worship "curriculum" might be a help for worship leaders out there?

Love to know what you all think...


Robert Conn said...

you can save your PowerPoint slideshow as its own webpage. That way the people can work through it on their own. Maybe add come MP3 commentary to go along with it.

keep in mind that MOST churches are not anywhere near where we think they are. Most churches still have "unwritten" rules like (we don't clap, shout, or dance). They are not ever mentioned but learned by decades of example.