Sunday, August 07, 2005

Today's Set
Who May Ascend (King)
All The Freed (Wright)
Great and Glorious (Smith)
Come Ye Sinners (old)
Beauty of the Lord (Anderson)

Lighting went really good today. Carol did a great job...I think the video clip really helped. (Gave her some creative options on where to take the sermon.) I had to do all the announcements/prayers/etc from the stage, which I don't particularly enjoy.

I also learned to NOT use "Who May Ascend" as an opening song.

The past couple of weeks have felt really weird from the stage. Technically, the sets are going well; the lighting and sound and video teams are all making their transitions. It just doesn't feel very good up on stage. I guess we're getting to that point where we know some of this stuff so well that we're automatic pilot.

From a musical standpoint, that's supposed to be good. You're supposed to know all of the chords and words and riffs and be able to tthem all without thinking. But when that happens, the challenge is remaining emotionally invested in the thing that you're doing.

I've never believed that you had to "feel it," to be a worship leader. Let's face it, there are a lot of times you serve the church when you don't feel like it. But how do you maintain a passion for these songs when you no longer have to focus on how to play them?