Friday, July 08, 2005

Woke up around 6:30 and did a morning bike ride. Holy cow. I mean, you ride at night, no problem. Ride in the morning, you end up walking around like you just had a hip replacement.

Got to work a bit early, pretty uneventful morning. Came home for lunch (sub sandwhich and a diet coke) then back to work for a long Friday afternoon. At some point in the day, I started thinking about music and songwriting, and how I would love to get some stuff published and get some money coming in.

So I came to a decision. In all of my co-writing with Forrest, I never had asked him to pass just my stuff to Dan Keen at ASCAP. But today, I did. It was very awkward, but it's a chance I've got to take. Last year, Dan seemed to encourage us to focus on the CCM and/or worship stuff. I've got some stuff that I think might could pitch.

Forrest said it was cool, but I felt really weird about.

So, I called Romack to see if he thinks Reason will be a good enough drummer for any demos. We should track something Sunday night.