Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Have Laptop, Must Blog

We got a major rainstorm this morning around 4ish. Krist and I woke up for a second just to make sure the house wasn't floating down the street, then we feel back asleep. Jonah woke up at 5:45 and never went back to sleep.

Poor Kristen.

I got up around 6:45 and took over, letting Kristen sleep for about thirty minutes or so. After she woke up, I showered and got dressed and strolled on to work. (Both of my bosses were gone today, so who's worried about being late, right?)

It was quite possibly the most boring morning in the history of government, but I made it through. I played around with some ideas for some story ideas. (Most of my friends know that I secretly have ambitions of writing a book someday.)

Came home for lunch, ate, played, then back to work. Good gried, this day was long.

I'm off to ride the bike a bit, then to the church to complete my "inventory" list for the church administrator. I also need to send some emails for the next worshipnotes issue. I think its gonna' be a good one.
