Wednesday, May 11, 2005


There's a story that John Wimber (founder of the Vineyard church) tells. He was on the pastoral staff at a church and was terribly unhappy.

Wimber says that suddenly the question was before him....

"If you didn't work here, would you go to this church?"

I'm not going to sugar-coat it. That's EXACTLY where Krist and I are with First Methodist right now. Now, I know that my friend and co-worker Clay will read this and call me and do all he can to cheer up sad little Todd so that nothing terrible happens to the contemporary service.

So, I'm opening myself up....what are your thoughts on this?

Should I work at a church that I wouldn't attend?


Robert Conn said...

Well, I see your point and it is a valid one. Another side of things is that maybe you are there to be a change agent for the better.

Sorry, that's no answer but rather just another perspective to consider.