Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Tuesday, Bloody Tuesday

Tuesday 5/3/05
Well, the scale was the same, which is always good. You know, when I get good number on there I am always afraid there's been some sort of microchip malfunction and I really haven't lost any. So if the next day looks good, I'm happy!

Slept late, ironed clothes like a madman. I had Krist throw some bread in the toaster for me while I got ready. Scarfed toast, drove fast, listed to Kid Kraddick. (Don't know how to spell that, by the way.)

Work was alright. I'm still feeling bad, but I can't really call in because I'll be calling next Friday to head to Rob's retreat. Think I wrote a chorus for one of my songs called "You Gave Sight." I've still gotta' try it out.

Went to the church for lunch. There was tons of pizza in the fridge from Sunday night's OSM. So I ate pizza and emailed the senior pastor about our confirmand service, Rob with some more info on the retreat and Justin Romack to schedule practice for the retreat.

Back to the office for another challenging day serving the public. No freaks, losers or rednecks today. Kinda' slow in county government.

Went home (over to mom-in-laws.) Picked up family, drove to the house. Jonah and I got ready for the playground where we had a blast until.....

I jumped off my swing and he kept swinging on his. Not a problem, we do it a lot, except this time my swing went sailing into his path. He missed it on the way up but nailed it coming back down. This thing took a chunk out of his head, man. He went frikkin' nuts. I grabbed him up and found it soon enough by the trail of blood streaming down his head. We ran to the the bathroom of the gymn where he got really freaked out by all the blood on ME.

I got him calmed down enough to understand the word ICEE. An ICEE makes everything better, right? Right.
We get home, clean him up and throw him in the tub. He wants his ICEE, so we give it to him. Then he pours hot bubbly water in it which completely destroys the thing. So now he didn't even get to drink 1/4 of the thing and it's gone. Another fit.

He ate popsicle and then we did the bed thing. He was out pretty quick. I made a sandwich and watched taped Conan on the little TV in our room. My plan was to do some walking, but I still feel bad. So, I skipped the walking to do my other chore for the day - setlists.

So I drove up to the church and put my set online. Tried my new chorus of "You Gave Sight." Blah. Guess I'm not as good as I thought. About to hit the sack. Later.


Robert Conn said...

nice...real nice!