Thursday, April 28, 2005

Vacation: Day 4

Slept until sometime shortly after 7. Stayed up until 2am again working on stuff (From the Editor for May wn and a review of the new Passion record for June.)

The plan was for Krist to work a couple of hours while I watched Jonah. Luckily, we have been vomit-free for about 24 hours, so he was feeling a little better. However, just before Krist left, the impending boredom got the best of us so we threw on clothes and rode with her. We stopped by the courthouse to pick up my check, which was eventful. I got the check okay, but apparently there was some serious confrontational meeting going on in the boss' office. I'm pretty sure it had to do w/ some shifting of office responsibilities a few months ago. Can't wait to get back!

We dropped her off and began our search for adventure. We went to the local museum. I haven't been in a couple of years, although the last time I went, I took Jonah with me. He's still way too young to like it, but I like the idea of at least giving him consistent chances to experience art in various forms. After the museum, we hit the mall - his request, not mine. We hung out at Tilt (baloon cage, ball pit and one game of Silent Scope.) As much as I hate to admit it, this kid is his father's son. He wants to play everything that has guns on it.

Then we went to Wal Mart so I could check out the MUVO mp3 player. I plan on buying one soon to start holding my stuff. For some reason, the team at church just doesn't have very good recall. As long as I'm doing a song consistently, they're fine, but if we go a few weeks or months w/o doing a song, I have to dig up the CD to remind them of how it goes. The mp3 player would be really handy for situations like that. We cruised the toys (still fun for me,) looked at the fish and then headed off to pick up Mom.

Picked up a pizza on the way home, ate, then put Jonah down for nap. I took a mondo afternoon nap - the kind that you wake up from feeling like you've inhaled a couple of bottles of NyQuil. Sweet.

We laid around, gave Jonah a bath, then made a quick Sonic run for milkshakes. Pizza for lunch, milkshakes for supper. Sounds like vacation to me.

Jonah just went to sleep so I'm documenting my day before execerise.

I'm excited about the weekend because Clay and will get to hang out Sunday night with the new associate, Mike Tyson. (Insert joke here . . .)

One final thing, Justin Romack now has a blog. What have I started?