Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Vacation: Day 3

Me and the crew woke up around 8. I stayed up until 2:00am this morning. My original plan had been to put Krist to bed and then hit the treadmill. After talking, praying and just hanging out, Krist was out by 11:00. I came in to put on my shoes and turned on the TV. PBS was running this documentary on the Ramones and I totally got hooked. I don't even like the Ramones! Ended up on the treadmill somewhere around 12:30.

We all got ready and took Krist to work. She was going to put in a few hours to make up for her lost day yesterday. Jonah and I walked around the place. We looked at Billy's donkeys and walked around the pond.

Then the Wright boys drove out to PaPa's and GiGi's to return PaPa's weedeater. That turned into an hour-and-a-half project where Todd was drafted to help load tables and boxes for the upcoming family reunion. Uggh. Not looking forward to that, by the way.

GiGi cooked us lunch and we picked up Mom from work. Grabbed Jonah a lil' Chic-Fil-A and headed to the house. He went down for a nap around 2 and so did Dad. Krist and I hung out til' about 4. Jonah wakes up and then proceeds to throw up all over Kristen. Fun.

So, we've spent the evening hours cleaning throw-up, pumping him full of Sprite, calling any family members who have had contact with him over the last few hours.

On the whole, a good day. I am hitting that "mid-week-vacation-at-home" thing. You know, where you still have a lot of time and nothing to do? Tomorrow was supposed to be a day where I could just go do what I wanted, but I think I'll be playing nurse tomorrow. Oh well, life is full of surprises.

Few upsetting facets of my life...
1. Clay Walker has a blog. Not a very good one, but, a blog nonetheless.
2. Jonah's new favorite song is "No One Like You" by David Crowder.
3. Todd's new favorite song is "No One Like You" by David Crowder.

I've got this really cool spiritual analogy of worship that just hit me, but I haven't formulated it yet. Don't know if to throw it on the blog or put it on worshipnotes. Heck, why not do both.