Saturday, April 30, 2005

Vacation: Day 5 (The Longest Blog Ever)

Wrights were up just before 8. Dad pulled another all-nigher (well, 2:30am at least.)

I finished all three of the songs I've been working on. I even worked out specific arrangements of them. I'm not sure where I'll use them. I might debut a couple at the Identity Theft retreat in Sanger.
Family got dressed, I checked email. There's all sorts of confusion happening about our upcoming Senior Sunday, so I messed around and tried to wade through the miscommunication.

Then we all piled in the car and headed to town. It was a busy trip.
1. Pick up paycheck
2. Go to the bank
3. Grocery shopping at Wal Mart
4. Take library books back (we are so intellectual)
5. Pay Target bill

By the time we got done w/ Target, Jonah was a screaming mass and I can't say as I blame him. It was stressful morning for me and I did not handle it well. I'm sleep deprived and exhausted for this week. I have had so much fun with the family but today I just got a little overwhelmed.

Came home, laid around and tried to watch an episode of "Eyes," that Krist taped for me a couple of days ago. It would be so much cooler to say "watched "Eyes" on the TiVo, but I'm behind on that particular trend. (And many others, no doubt.)

Napped a bit. Jonah woke up. Lately, he has been totally consumed w/ Darth Vader. Old Anakin is everywhere these days, you know. So we dug up Star Wars and introduced the little guy to the wondrous world of George Lucas. I'm talking old school man - none of that reformatted DVD crap w/ new effects. Nah, man. This was a battered VHS that demands "tracking" every time you play it!

After that, Jonah and I played, then he bathed and went to bed. Krist and I got into a fight. I was really in a bad mood and lost my temper.

I ran to the church to get some of my t-shirts that I left there. (I do a lot of stripping in worship.) Right before I left, Kristen called and told me to get home. She's sick. As a matter of fact, she threw up about six minutes ago. Nasty.

So, vacation is over, which is good for the blog, because now I can spend time on some more random stuff that's been rolling through my head. I thought it would be nice to documents my days as specifically as possible.

I'm such a freak.