Monday, April 25, 2005

Vacation: Day 1

Spoke at the Wesley today. It was really good. I was actually funny. I felt pretty confident and calm. Maybe it was Clay.

See, before I left, Krist mentioned that she and Jonah might just go to Nac w/ me. They would hang out at McDonald's or whatever and then pick me up when I finished. She said it was so we could "be together," but I think Marble Slab had something to do with it.

We load up and I stop at the church to print off my notes. Clay was there and asked me what I was doing. I told him and he said,
"I wanna' go."

I told him I had the family but that he could ride in the back. Apparently it was a slow day because he ran out of there like he was competing in the Jack Rabbitt Olympics.

Holy crap! Did I just say "Jack Rabbitt Olympics?" What am I now, an old sharecropper?

Anyway the lunch was good, then we all went to Marble Slab. Clay had accidentally forgot his wallet, so we bought the big teddy bear a cookies and cream and I spanked Jonah in the bathroom. (He wanted vanilla. We got chocolate.)

Came home. Krist is rocking Jonah right now. I'm hoping for an afternoon nap or a nice leisurely walk around the 'hood.