Sunday, June 21, 2009

What We Did!

Here are two videos we ran in service today at Bethel:

First, a missions video with Greg and Jenni Kimmell. They did a great job. Jim Smithies, our Missions pastor also did a good job introducing this clip as well as closing it with a smart challenge to the congregation.

Next up, was our third bumper. Making these is hard, but I really liked this one. We're gonna' have to take it in a much different direction next week. (Don't have any idea what I'm gonna' do!) But for today, the video worked as a transition between worship and Word.

Here's what we played:

DO JUSTLY (Fitts) - Key of A.
This is a tune from Michael Neale's Made Me Glad album. I haven't done much from this particular record, but it's a great one. This one is simple, nice groove...we'll bring it back next week, too. Band did a great job.
KING OF MERCY (me) - Key of E.
About a month ago, I started letting our vocalist, Sarah, do this one. She did it again today and knocked it out of the park. For this particular version, we backed off on the electric riff and let Elizabeth did a lot of fills on piano. Every week, I am amazed at the stuff Elizabeth improvises. So good.
YOUR GRACE IS ENOUGH (Maher, et al) - Key of G.
Our folks like this song. For the first time, we did the "radio" ending w/ the changed up choruses at the end. I liked it.
Gosh, this song went great. We originally planned to do this one in G, but Elizabeth noticed that it really wasn't a good key for me, Ken or Sarah on stage. We bumped it to F, and let Sarah and Ken do it. It was good...we doubled verse 1 just so folks could learn it, but we rocked the chorus ending like the Fee record. Sarah and Elizabeth came back and did it as a piano/vocal for our closing, too, which was good.
THANK YOU, LORD (Moen+Baloche) - Key of F.
Man, I wanted to do this one. It was going to be laid back pre-chorus and chorus and I thought it worked well w/ the previous tune, but there just wasn't time. At Bethel, we try really hard to watch our time and make sure that the Word is our focus.

I video taped our service. Gonna' try to get back into posting videos of the band...hopefully, I'll have that up in a few days.


Liz said...

Just so ya wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if the whole service went an extra 15 min so we could worship longer. I'm of the opinion ya can't praise Jesus too much. :)