Monday, June 01, 2009

Hey, Todd Blog readers!
I need your help!
This Sunday, Bethel is kicking off a series on the "Five Solas."

Sola Scriptura
Sola Christus
Sola Gratia
Sola Fide
Sola Gloria

We realize that this is slightly out-of-order and that we've adjusted each phrase to "sola" rather than the well-known "solo." Ross and Mark (lead pastor and youth pastor) have done so to build some uniformity to the series.

We think Bethel folks are going to dig the series; there's a lot of good stuff there.

But here's where you come in!

For each week of the series, I'm building video "bumpers" before each sermon. These will be very quick videos just to transition into the sermon time and hopefully get people ready for what's coming.

For the kick-off sermon, I'm creating a brief 30-second clip that will have a few scrolling questions. Ideally, these questions will "prime the pump" for a sermon on both the authority of scripture and its divine nature, being God-breathed.

We've come up w/ a few questions to do that, but I'd love to know what sort of questions would be good to run before the sermon starts.
Ideally, these questions would be easy-to-identify ideas and questions that most of us have (or have had) about the authority of scripture.

Make sense?
Got ideas for questions that might resonate and prepare us?


Robert Conn said...

Is it inspired?
Is it complete?
Is it clear?
Is it accessible?

Johnny! said...

"Didn't the Church write the Bible?"

Gets to the heart of the Reformation controversy.