Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Louie Giglio Vlog


Robert Conn said...

Let's review a few of the more important details about this occasion Todd. Like...

1) What the heck were you doing at Jason's Deli? There's a McAlisters in Tyler you know.
2) If you must go to JD then the Beefeater is the only way to go.
3) You could have pitched Tyler as the location for Passion 2012.

Anonymous said...

1. Jason's Deli not only trumps McCallister's on their food, but they have free soft serve. Yes. Todd I support your decision to eat there.

2. Good story.

3. Can you make your links a different color so we can actually read them on the white background? It took me five minutes to find how to post a comment. (which says a great deal about my commitment to comment)

Johnny! said...

You care too much, dude.

Travis is the drummer's name.

Todd Wright said...

I know I do, Johnny. I know.

Brian Boatman said...

Just a couple of thoughts....
1) McAlisters would have been a GREAT choice, however it does not have the "Bird to the Wise."

2)Todd you failed to mention that you asked Louie to SIGN your "Bird to the Wise" sandwich. Really I thought that was the only place you may have gone too far. :)

Jami Nicole Photography said...

Hey Todd...

This is Jesse Reeves (from the Chris Tomlin band,) and I have to say that I have laughed all day about this blog and have watched it a hundred times. I have no idea how it got forwarded to me. Somehow it came through a friend of a friend of a friend to my wife. I forwarded it to Louie, and he said that he was laughing out loud and that your blog is very clever.

Just so you know, from our side of the situation, it wasn't awkward at all. You were right about us being in town for the funeral. Thanks for your prayers. I may have to start checking in with this blog. It's truly hilarious.

btw... I'm glad we don't look like the "high school wanna be rock stars." And at least you recognized us. Everyone else in that joint stared at us the entire time like we were from another planet. That's what was awkward.

Anyway... thanks for the laugh.


Unknown said...

Todd, please forgive me for waiting a whole other day to watch this!

Freaking hilarious. I shot caramel machioto out of my nose when you showed the pic of louie with god of the city.

Liz said...

Todd--you don't know me, but ask Jim Smithies or Kay Rice or Ross Strader about Larry & I. They all know us. :) We're ex-Bethelites who went into full time ministry, recently resigned from it & are headed back to Bethel. We'll be there Easter Sunday.

Anyway, my point of all this (& I really do have a point) is to say WOW WOW WOW. I absolutely LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Louie Giglio. Have you watched the Canvas series by he & Andy Stanley? Wow. Truly life-changing. How cool that you got to meet him. And in a local deli, no less!

See ya in a couple weeks @ Bethel. Can't wait to meet you. I mean, after all, you're practically as famous as Louie. :)

PS Oh know Clark & Kandice Crawford, too, don't ya?

katelyn said...

dear todd. louie giglio is my stinking most favorite ever. i think you might have lost cool points for being weird to him. gosh, and to think i brought you candy when i didnt even know you and ross was mean to you. im not sure what this means for our friendship, but i think you may have just lost a cool point or two...
sincerely, your best friend who goes to bethel but lives 300 miles away in abilene, katelyn

and ps by the way, next time you go to jasons, please have the smokey jack pannini. its basically wonderful! have a grand-tastic day!!! :D

Doug Rittenhouse said...


FUNNY!!! This is classic!

A journalistic note: I really love the fact you haven't lost "the lead"... the stinkin' sandwich!!


Robert Conn said...

Ok, Todd. Help me understand the "Bird to the Wise."

I mean you said it consisted of Roast Beef (which does not to my recollection have anything to do with birds or wisdom), Turkey (which can be considered a bird of sorts), and Provolone Cheese. Does this Provolone cheese give one wisdom? Does it make him fly? Is it served along side a tall glass of Red Bull (cause that at least give you wings)?

Good sandwich maybe, I'll have to try it. However help me understand the name.

Brian Boatman said...

Todd, I think you were so excited about a certain someone in the Deli, you may have mistaken Roast Beef for Pastrami. Now, having said that, I must ask: Is it widely accepted that Pastrami is the wisest of all deli meats?
Regardless of the meat, Todd did pull the old "switch a roo." Normally the sandwich is served on an onion roll but not for our "Culinary Crusader." He orders Cibata bread. The man is genius, pure genius!

gregg said...

I must say, that vlog was brilliant!