Monday, October 27, 2008

Osteen Interview...

Just caught this interview Joel Osteen did w/ the Washington Post's Sally Quinn. She asked some really good questions. It's not real long, but I think it's an interesting look at Osteen's philosophy. Some of it is the same sort of stuff we hear, but there's also a lot of new stuff (at least to me.)

Love to know what you guys think...


Johnny! said...

I think 12:43 is too much time to give to Joel. Jor-El, that's another matter.

Lance said...

uh... what language is African?

Scott said...

I agree w/ him about the denomination thing. The God i serve is bigger than any denomination or seminary prof.

Shelly Conn said...

Yes Joel, God did put you here on this earth for a reason so please take a stand on something in your life.

Robert Conn said...

No Todd, you really don't want to know what I think. Oops, I may have tipped my hand a little there. Suffice it to say it would probably come across as cruel and mean.

Apparently along with the tumbling of the denominational walls came the walls of his theology as well.

chrismaroon said...

His voice just makes me nuts on contact. It makes me want to put my head through a wall. Then I listen to what he says and it makes me more nuts and I'd like to put my head through another wall. I echo Scott's comment, but that's about as far as I can go.... Shelly's comment and Robert's ommitted comments are what my overwhelming response to him is.

Forrest said...

damnit Lance - i wanted to the trophy for being the person that caught that

Tom McKeand said...

Having lived in Houston when his father ran Lakewood and then when he took over, I can say that Lakewood church has done a lot of good in Houston. I don't think Joel has a malicious heart, but I do believe he is ignorant of the scriptures and only understands the experiential aspect of our faith. There is a balance. The comment that bothers me most states the idea that I can't be a blessing to others unless I feel good about myself. It actually works the other way around. When I reach out to bless some one when I am at my personal lowest, God then blesses me with the knowledge that I'm working for Him and His plan. There is real joy in that. Also, he never mentioned Jesus.

DWC said...

Not a bad interview ...

I mean, really, did you expect anything different ( from Joel ) when you clicked on PLAY ?

There are ALOT of folks that hang on every word he says ... and I am sure that because of his messages there are people that have had their lives changed ...

I am not one of his biggest fans ... but I am surely not the one to call him out either ...