Monday, July 21, 2008

A New Contender?

My love and respect for Chick-Fil-A is known far and wide.

I think it's justified...they are always clean, the food is always enjoyable (in my opinion) and the staff actually does a pretty good job of making me think they might really enjoy serving me. great are those little placemats they give for the kids? I hope somebody at Chicken HQ got a bonus for that idea. Moms and Dads dig that, Mr. Cathy. They dig it big time.

So, when I saw that the McDonald's franchise was jumping in the chicken sandwhich game, I was skeptical. I wasn't interested. Chick-Fil-A invented the chicken sandwich. I read that somewhere.

But then, I caught a review over at 3CT. A pretty good review. According to the dudes who run that site, the McDonald's chicken sandwich hadn't dethroned the almighty Chick-Fil-A staple, but it was a valiant and successful attempt.

So, tonight...I decided to give it a try. I was really needing a chicken sandwich, but thanks to the Holy Rollers over at Chick-Fil-A, I can't get one on Sunday night. Sheesh.

So I got to McDonald's.
And I order one.

And it is delicious.

It's not better than Chick-Fil-A, but it's still very, very good. I think Chick-Fil-A has the McD's version beat on overall flavor. The McDonald's sandwich had a very mild aftertaste that wasn't that great. As far as I know, the only aftertaste in a Chick-Fil-A sandwich is the taste of a smile. Anybody feeling that?

Nonetheless...I strongly encourage you to give McDonald's a try on this one. If you've had one, I'd love to know what you think.

2 items of note:

#1. Could I have italicized any more in this post? At all?

#2. I once posted that I thought my mom's PC had some similarities to a Mac and a bunch of ridiculous Mac-heads jerks told me that there was "NO WAY" it was like a Mac...let's not do that, okay? If you have a different opinion, that's okay. It's just a chicken sandwich. But...let's not get all Daniel Rowe about it, okay?


david said...

I was on the verge of giving one a try...until
i saw the billboard advertizing in houston:
1)better than the other chicken sandwich and we're open on sundays
2)chicken tastes good without God

oldfart said...

David, Surely you are kidding about #2?

Todd Wright said...

David funny man.

Sarah J. said...

My Mama works at Chick-Fil-A. I love me a Number 1 with a large Sweet Tea!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you say... there is no way the McD's chicken sandwich is as cool as a Mac...
there is just no way

Todd Wright said...


Strader's more of a "skimmer," I guess. He doesn't really seem to get it, does he?

david said...

billboard two is purely in jest.